The AI library for human transformation

Supercharge your unique skills as a coach, therapist, or facilitator to address your clients' challenges with the first and most comprehensive library of activities based on hundreds of:


Guide your clients to transformative and deeper understanding using the power of AI.

Own a library of more than 1,800 prompts based on hundreds of techniques. Sense and choose the most effective approach for each client case and create tailor-inspired solutions to become the great alchemist of personal growth you can be.

Browse 300 curated tools to find the most effective approach to your client's needs.

70+ Coaching Methods:

Excel in guiding clients with diverse coaching approaches

Seamlessly navigate between methods to refine your intuition while allowing AI to show you the techniques that would work better for your client's case.

150+ Mental models: Sharpen critical thinking and decision-making.

Apply targeted methods to address human experiences, like fears, triggers, or boundaries, while choosing the most suitable frames for addressing those situations.

35+ Questioning Techniques: Unlock deep insights through precise questions.

Strengthen rapport-building, facilitate decision-making, and foster self-reflection with our expertly curated collection of questioning strategies.

50+ Self-Development books: Provide structured paths to personal growth and development.

Use fascinating key insights from influential self-development books and integrate these strategies coherently and profoundly into your practice.

35+ Therapy types: Offer holistic emotional support with diverse therapeutic methods.

Harness the power of AI to guide you in applying learnings, exercises, and frameworks from various therapy styles without needing to be an expert.

Unleash your inner magic: Prompt ChatGPT with your style!

Combine your intuitive expertise, client-reading abilities, sensitivity, and active listening with the most comprehensive knowledge repository of human transformation. Amplify change by applying tailored strategies and approaches that resonate with each individual.

1800+ Prompts Based on 300+ Curated Concepts


Own a library of more than 1,800+ prompts based on hundreds of techniques. Sense and choose the most effective approach for each client's case and create tailor-inspired tasks to be the master of personal growth you can be.

By copying and pasting and then filling in the blanks with your unique understanding of your client CHATGPT will suggest extremely tailored tasks for your practice:

Self-Exploration and Insight:

⏭ Craft personalized journaling exercises.

⏭ Design personalized meditation routines.

⏭ Establish principles resonating with each individual.

⏭ Dive deep with custom prompts for self-discovery.

⏭ Enhance mindfulness with client-specific practices.

Customized Planning and Progress:

✍🏻 Create custom plans for individual progress.

✍🏻 Tailor assessments for unique insights.

✍🏻 Build step-by-step plans for client goals.

✍🏻 Offer precise guidance for choices.

✍🏻 Personalize time management for each client.

Personalized Well-Being and Growth: 🔸Craft vivid mental imagery for tailored needs.

🔸 Craft exercises resonating with each client.

🔸 Design wellness routines for unique lifestyles.

🔸 Develop tailored affirmations for goals.

🔸 Provide support tailored to self-insights.

🔸 Tailor stress relief practices to stress levels.

🔸 Cultivate gratitude through individualized exercises.

Effective Communication and Problem-Solving:

🗣️ Help address specific challenges with custom strategies.

🗣️ Facilitate impactful discussions, personalized.

🗣️ Assist in improving unique communication styles.

🤖 Embrace the AI Revolution: smartly integrate AI into your coaching practice and don't be left behind.

Gain a Competitive Edge: Become 1000% better at what you already do by having access to 300+ tools to guide your clients with the power of AI.

Discover New Growth Avenues: Establish your reputation as a coach who leverages cutting-edge technology to offer personalized coaching support.



Amplify Your Coaching by grabbing inspiration from self-develoment Authors

Dive into a curated collection of books designed to enrich your coaching approach. These literary gems offer insights that, when woven into your sessions, can illuminate your coachee’s aspirations and challenges. Books open gateways to diverse knowledge and experiences, shaping our understanding of the human journey. By integrating their wisdom, you'll not only refine your coaching techniques but also empower those you guide to navigate life with enhanced clarity and purpose.


Amplify Your Coaching by grabbing inspiration from self-development authors.

Dive into a curated collection of books designed to enrich your coaching approach. These literary gems offer insights that, when woven into your sessions, can illuminate your coachee’s aspirations and challenges. Books open gateways to diverse knowledge and experiences, shaping our understanding of the human journey. By integrating their wisdom, you'll not only refine your coaching techniques but also empower those you guide to navigate life with enhanced clarity and purpose.


Amplify Your Coaching grabbing inspiration from self-develoment Authors.

Dive into a curated collection of books designed to enrich your coaching approach. These literary gems offer insights that, when woven into your sessions, can illuminate your coachee’s aspirations and challenges. Books open gateways to diverse knowledge and experiences, shaping our understanding of the human journey. By integrating their wisdom, you'll not only refine your coaching techniques but also empower those you guide to navigate life with enhanced clarity and purpose.


Amplify Your Coaching grabbing inspiration from self-develoment Authors.

Dive into a curated collection of books designed to enrich your coaching approach. These literary gems offer insights that, when woven into your sessions, can illuminate your coachee’s aspirations and challenges. Books open gateways to diverse knowledge and experiences, shaping our understanding of the human journey. By integrating their wisdom, you'll not only refine your coaching techniques but also empower those you guide to navigate life with enhanced clarity and purpose.


Amplify Your Coaching grabbing inspiration from self-develoment Authors.

Dive into a curated collection of books designed to enrich your coaching approach. These literary gems offer insights that, when woven into your sessions, can illuminate your coachee’s aspirations and challenges. Books open gateways to diverse knowledge and experiences, shaping our understanding of the human journey. By integrating their wisdom, you'll not only refine your coaching techniques but also empower those you guide to navigate life with enhanced clarity and purpose.

All of these 300 resources are curated and organized into different categories for easy finding

Our prompts are designed to guide you through self-reflection and help you explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. By asking yourself and AI our curated questions, you can gain insights into your personality, values, and beliefs and learn more about what makes you unique.


The investment that will make you supercharge your practice in seconds!

Download the guide now and start getting comfortable integrating AI into your approach to life coaching today!


Limited offer $49.99

  • 70+ Coaching Methods
  • 50+ Self-Development books
  • 35+ Questioning Techniques
  • 140+ Mental Models
  • 50+ Therapy Approaches

1800+ copy-paste customizable prompts for CHATGPT


The investment that will make you supercharge your practice in seconds!

Download the guide now and start getting comfortable integrating AI into your approach to life coaching today!


Get 25 prompts as a gift and start tapping the power of AI


The Ultimate AI Prompt Gui for Life Coaches

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